To ensure your piece of mind when using the services of Eze Move, please read our terms and conditions below. They are here on our web site for all to see plus hardcopies can be request to be sent out before work commences using all modern communication methods. The conditions laid out within these the terms and conditions by which our company operates are legally binding, they have been written for us by our solicitor and shall be governed by English & Welsh Law.
When confirming a booking, you are acknowledging your agreement with the following terms and conditions and it is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the information provided. If prior to the day of your move, you have any queries regarding theses terms and conditions, you can e-mail your enquiry to ezemoveremovals@outlook.com.
“We” or “Us” is a reference to the Contractor. “You” is a reference to the Customer. “Goods” means the goods being removed and/or packed/unpacked and “Services” means the relevant services we are providing to you pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, such as domestic removal services, office removals, packing services or storage services as the case may be. .
If a fixed price for your furniture removal has been given, this price may be varied if:
(1a) The quantity of goods has increased (1b) The floors between the goods has varied (1c) If you require require us to dismantle / reassemble.(1d) Delays in getting keys / gaining access takes longer than 30 minutes. (1e) Eze Move is a self pack removals service and so it is the clients responsibility to pack everything properly using sturdy boxes with bases that have been secured using tape. Unless you have prearranged for us to dismantle furniture in preparation for your move, it will be your responsibility to dismantle before our arrival any unit, system, furniture or bed which requires to be dismantled before it can be transported. Upon request we can do this but there will be a surcharge for this add o service. Likewise, it is the clients responsibility to make sure that all items will fit in the new premises by measuring up in advance (e.g. wardrobe, bed, sofa etc.) We will not be held liable if an item is too large to fit through a doorway and we are not insured for removing any doors or windows to a premise. However if the client can remove the door themselves, then we will endeavour to do our upmost to get the item into the property, but we will never force an item that is too wide into a property as this could potentially damage the item or the door frame.Our quotation / estimate, unless otherwise stated, does not include insurance, waiting waivers, customs duties, port charges including (but not limited to) inspections, or any fees, or taxes payable to government bodies or agencies.
We will endeavour to act and undertake our obligations at all times in a professional manner. Those obligations are: (1f) To be prepared to do all the lifting and loading (1g) Remove your items on an agreed day and deliver them to the delivery address; (1h) Make sure they are safe whilst they are in my custody. (1i) We shall only remove or deliver items into a loft, or similar space, if it is safe, which shall include but shall not be limited to being adequately lit and with a floor we can be certain will support the weight of me and the goods and the access to it being safe. I reserve the right to refuse removal of items from parts of premises which, in my opinion, constitute a health and safety risk to myself or other persons e.g dimly lit lofts, aging stair cases, exposed live wiring, homes where people refuse to remove dangerous pets, homes in which people refuse to keep toddlers or young children at a safe distance or a property in which there has been intravenous drug use. If service is refused on any grounds such as these, there will still be a cancellation charge of 50% of the total fee outstanding. We may disconnect and reconnect dishwashers, washing machines, dryers and other electrical appliances, except fittings and fixtures. We take no responsibility if any such appliances do not function correctly on reconnection.
(1j) Eze Move refuse to carry furniture removals work if we have good reason to believe that you the client are incapacitated through inebriation. If this is true 50% of the removal fee will be paid and no furniture will be moved.
(1k) If the decision is made that work cannot be carried out without damage to property or possessions because for example a furniture item is very unstable at its joins, or there is an existing stress crack in a marble table top. Eze Move will inform you of this and an inspection form will be filled in and signed by the client. Then if the client still wishes for the work to be undertaken and for an attempt of the manouevre to go ahead regardless, once the existing damages form has been filled in, we will be exempt from taking responsibility for any breakages of the item of furniture or the door frame.
(1l) All electrical items you wish me to remove must be disconnected or dismantled prior to the move unless otherwise they will either be unable to be removed unless they are able to be disconnected by a corgi registered person or the client is willing to pay a surcharge for dismantling services.
We unable to remove any of the following things
(1m)Goods that require special Government permission to be transported
(1n)Explosive items-gas bottles,aerosol,paints,fire arms,ammunition
(1o)Prohibited and stolen goods,pets or live animals/creatures or any goods that require a special licence; (1p) Any goods that require government permission to import or export; Any food and/or drink that is, or needs to be, refrigerated or frozen; Any narcotics. Any stolen or prohibited or illegal goods; (1q) Any goods that are potentially dangerous, explosive or otherwise liable to cause damage. This includes, but is not limited to, firearms, ammunition, paints, aerosols, gas bottles and canisters; (1r) Any jewellery, including trinkets and watches, and precious stones or metals or items made from precious metals or including precious stones; (1s) Any money, legal tender from any country, securities, financial or legal documents, including but not limited to share certificates and leases; (1t) Any collections of stamps, coins or other similar collectable items.
If such items are removed or stored by us without our knowledge and our written consent to do so then we shall not be liable, it is your responsibility to transport your valuables seperately and in reference to (1p), if we suspect that a client is attempting to conceal narcotics or stolen goods then we will inform the police immediately and the client, not Eze Move can expect to face the legal reprocussions of their actions and we will cooperate with the police should they wish to pursue a criminal conviction. Furthermore in such circumstances we want to make it perfectly clear that any persons attempting to exploit Eze Move in this way would be blacklisted for life and we will consult our solicitor with a view to suing you for tarnishing our reputation.
Your Responsibilities
Whilst we have many responsibilities under this contract there are some matters that you must be responsible for. These are: (2a) Being present, either yourself or through a representative, throughout collection and delivery of the goods;(2b)You are providing a safe place of work (2c) Checking that all the goods are both collected and delivered; (2d) Checking that nothing is collected and/or delivered in error as there will be a surcharge if we have to revisit a property (2e) The client is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits, licences, customs documents etc that are necessary for the removal to take place. If failure to do so results in a move not taking place the client will owe us 50% of the arranged fee for our services. (2f) Preparing the property and goods for the removal, including but not limited to disconnecting all relevant appliances and electronic equipment and emptying and de-frosting any fridges and freezers and where we are not packing, taking all steps to ensure that the goods are packed, packaged and labelled in such manner that they can withstand normal handling during their removal; (2g) Arranging proper security and protection for any goods that will be left in premises which will be unattended or to which third parties may have access either prior to collection or following delivery. (2h) Advising us if you consider that it will not be possible for the vehicles pictured on the home page of this website to be able to park within 20 metres of the door of the property or if access to a property is inadequate for the free and easy movement of the goods into and within the property. (2i) You must, before the commencement of the removal, provide us with a contact address and contact details which we can use if we need to contact you during the removal and/or storage of the goods. If these details change you must inform me. If we contact you in writing using recorded delivery the details you have provided we will be entitled to assume that you have duly received any communication from us. (2j)You shall be responsible for any losses, expenses or other costs incurred arising from your failure to self pack your goods using adequate packing protection. Which we take to mean, failing to tape cardboard boxes adequately using tape labelled packing tape ( in the event of damages we reserve the right to take photographs of inadequately secured boxes with weak bases). Your boxes are only covered by insurance if you choose to use professional removal boxes designed to be used by removal companies instead opting for supermarket boxes which are not designed to withstand much weight inside them. We feel that it would be extremely unfair for a client us to hold us accountable for any damages which occur as a result of our clients cutting corners and using flimsy boxes as opposed to designated removal boxes that is why term and condition (2j) is place and we recommend that clients take note and invest in removals boxes prior to moving day.
(3a)It is the clients' responsibility to use bubble wrap to protect fragile*items especially ceramics and ornaments, to mark those boxes clearly as fragile otherwise failure to do this will mean that you will be responsible for any losses resulting from your failure to pack in the recommended way. When tansporting expensive electrical items such as T.V's it is the clients responsibilty to first show us the item working without any lines across the screen or other malfunctions. failing to do so will mean that we are not liable in any way for the *item being moved and the client will need to seek out seperate insurance for it if the client wishes us to remove the item to be moved. Having seen no evidence to prove that high value electrical items are working before we take them into our custody, we believe that it would be unreasonable for a client to expect us to just assume that they are working and that is why term and condition (3a) is in place. (3b) Original boxes, the packaging that the item was stored in at the time of purchase are purposefully designed to keep items safe, knowing this to be true we think it is reasonable for us to exclude liability when we are put in a position when an electrical item is being transported in an inappropriate container that is not the original packaging and we will not be liable for any T.V's or electrical items not being transported in their original packaging. If it is not possible for us or our insurers to check that electrical goods are working before a move takes place and insurers obviously have no responsibility for pre-existing damage. This means that insurers will only pay for mechanical and electrical breakdown or derangement if there is obviously damage to outer casings. As T.V's such as l.e.d t.v's have become so much thinner and so more fragile if just wrapped in a duvet and not in their original packaging there is a much higher chance of it becoming damaged than if it were being transported in its original packaging which is why term and condition (3b) is in place and why we will not be held liable for electrical items when a client fails to provide original packaging for electrical items.
By entering into this Agreement, you guarantee that:
The goods to be removed and/or stored are your own property, or-
(3c) The person(s) who own or have an interest in them have given you authority to make this contract and have been made aware of these conditions. You will pay us for any claim for damages and/or costs brought against us if you have not been honest with us with regards to clause (3c).
(3d) Eze Move is only insured to carry goods. It is your responsibility to organise your personal transport from the collection to the delivery address as if we are delayed by waiting for you to arrive at either address for more than fifteen minutes there will be a surcharge for wait time. Just to make that clear, clients are prohibited from travelling in our vehicles for insurance purposes. You will not be covered.
(3e) It is the clients' responsibility to protect their floor coverings in anticipation of there being a removal. Eze Move will not be held liable for damage to unprotected floor coverings.
(3f) It is the clients' responsibility to make sure that any phone numbers or contact details which you give us are correct,otherwise we will not be responsible for any subsequent problems which arise due to your initial error. It is of paramount imortence that you specify which address is the collection address and which is the delivery address otherwise you will be charged a fuel charge if due to your error, you have directed us more than two miles away from the collection point
Limited Liability
In the removals industry, limited liability is standard practice because the mover does not know the precise value of a customer's goods. If prior to moving an item we notice any damage or weakening already on the piece do not be surprised if we politely bring this to your attention and take photographic evidence. Having done so and after we have filled out an inspection form agreeing on the placement and severity of the damage, we will not longer be liable for any further damage sustained by disturbing an already weakened item by moving it, if that is what the client still wants us to do based on our inspection report.
Eze Move shall not be liable for: a) loss or damage caused by war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war, rebellion, insurrection or military coup, wear or tear, gradual deterioration, or circumstances beyond the Eze Moves' control; or b) loss of use, loss of enjoyment, loss of profit or any other indirect consequential loss. We will not be held liable for any damage or defect to goods delivered hereunder that is caused by any event above or circumstance beyond our reasonable control (including without limitation strikes, floods, lockouts, acts of God and the like.
General : If any part of these conditions is invalid, illegal or unenforceable (including any provision in which Eze Move excludes its liability the validity, legality or enforceability of any other part of these conditions will not be affected. This contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English Law..
(3g) We encourage our clients to consider taking out independent transit insurance to cover themselves against losses greater than the limits set out in our terms and conditions and for risks where they have no rights of recourse against the removal contractor. It might be advisable to read through the fine print of your your home or contents insurance policy as many home insurance policies already cover you for all risks with regards to your removal. For the avoidance of doubt, the highest value item we are prepared to transport, is an item not exceeding the value of £250. If a client wishes to transport items exceeding the value of £250 it is the clients' responsibility to take out independent insurance cover, it may well be that the item is covered under a clients' home contents insurance. Failing to arrange independent cover for a high value item would mean that it would leave you with no form of recourse should that item become damaged other than our standard liability amount which is a maximum of £50 per item. We also limit liability to £50 per premise in the event that there is damage to a premises. Negligence must be proven without a shadow of a doubt before compensation is awarded in order to determine whether a third party contractor was involved or whether the items were left unattended.
(3h)It is the clients' responsibility to inspect all of their goods before we leave and if you would like to take a full inventory of your goods at the time of delivery, we are able to go through the items one by one after which you can sign a form agreeing that your goods have arrived in the same condition as when they came into our custody and that you don't have any problems with any aspect of the work we have undertaken. After ticking the appropriate boxes and signing our goods received form, Eze Move will no longer have liability for the condition of your goods and the client will have no form of recourse. Any damage reported after signing the delivery form will be assumed to have been caused on the days following moving day. For those clients who choose not to request a goods received form at the time of their delivery, it is advised that you request a claim form as soon as is practically possible by writing to us notifying of any damage to your goods, whether there were any third party contractors, children or pets left unattended with the items in the time following their delivery. The time limit for claims can be extended by writing to us within those seven days. In order to process your claim for a damaged item, a dated receipt with the item's value on it will be essential as store prices fluctuate and store bought items quickly depreciate. We also specify that we are not in any way liable for any breakages of extremely fragile items unless the box they are in is labelled fragile and they are properly protected using packing materials.
(4a) In the event of direct loss of or damage to your goods,if our liability to you is to be assessed as a sum equivalent to the cost of their repair or replacement whichever is the smaller sum, taking into account age, wear and tear, depreciation and condition of the goods immediately prior to their loss or damage, and subject to the maximum liability not exceeding my maximium liability value of £50. For the avoidance of doubt, all liability and compensation for loss shall be calculated as aforementioned and not on a “new for old” basis. In order to initiate the claim process,a claim form must be requested within seven days from the time that we complete our work. We reserve the right to always seek to repair a good which has been negligently damaged in the first instance in which case the damage will be limited to the repair costs and not exceeding £50.(4b) It is your responsibility to declare any item valued above £250 in writing to us prior to our arrival, or upon our arrival, failure to do so will mean that you are only covered up to the standard £50 compensation amount. Where the lost or damaged item is part of a pair or set, my liability to you, where it is assessed as the cost of replacement of that item, is to be assessed as a sum equivalent to the cost of that item in isolation, not the cost of that item as part of a pair or set and my liability shall not exceed £50 compensation. Sometimes there maybe something that has been handed down through your family would be considered irreplaceable due to it's sentimental value. In accordance with this agreement such item will be covered up to the value of my maximum liability amount of £50 compensating you for only the monetary loss that you have suffered. If you have high value items exceeding £250 you must declare to us, in writing, the exact value of the goods being removed / stored in a form of a signed valued inventory list before the removals take place (provide in pdf form via email or printed copy). The value to be used is the current value (not a new for old value).If you do not provide us with a valued Inventory of the goods to be removed / stored it is Your responsibility to arrange adequate insurance cover for the goods submitted against all insurable risks as our liability is restricted to a maximum £50.00 per item as per clause (Limited Liability). If You have not arranged adequate insurance cover in those circumstances (including cover against accidental loss or damage and loss or damage caused by fire, lightning or explosion etc) then you should not submit those goods to us as part of the load as they will not be insured against damage or loss. In the event that You do submit such goods, then you acknowledge that the restrictions on our liability limits as set out in clause (4b) shall apply (together with the additional relevant limitations of liability as set out in clause (4b) elsewhere in these Terms and Conditions) and you agree that they are reasonable and enforceable.
(4b)Eze Move offers clients the opportunity to help with the loading of their goods and for those clients who are willing and able to load, this will be reflected in the fully inclusive quotations that we offer. We feel it necessary to add to this that we are fully aware that not everyone is fit and able bodied enough to help with loading and that we only encourage the fit and able to do so as you will be doing so on the understanding that you are doing so at you own risk to your health and safety.It is the responsibility of the person who made the booking to read through these terms and conditions and inform you that if you injure yourself whilst moving your/their goods, we will not be liable for your injuries. We recommend wearing that anyone moving furniture wears the appropriate PPI, safety shoes, high viz vests and gloves are essential. If you do require accident insurance whilst helping to load your goods we recommend that you visit a third party in order to purchase cover. Eze Move want to be clear without a shadow of a doubt that you undertake loading duties at your own risk and we are not liable. If a client becomes injured whilst loading that injury may have occurred whether we were there or not, if for example you had hired a van without a driver which is one of the many reasons why we strongly forbid clients from getting upon or into my van to load or unload. If you choose to ignore this and if for example you decide to board my van whilst we are gathering boxes inside your house, if you become injured in any way as a result of being inside or in contact with my vehicle we will not be held liable for any injuries you sustain as we have made it very clear that we forbid any client boarding our vehicle.
(4c) We want to make it perfectly clear, that it is your responsibility to keep all money,jewellery, bank cards, credit cards,keys, phone documents, files and any other valuables about you person or in a safe during the course of your move and we will not be held liable if you fail to adhere to this rule and then misplace any of the above as can happen on moving day when clients are flustered and feeling the stress of moving house and there may very well be other third party contractors, letting agents, telecoms people, new occupants and a host of other previously unknown persons entering the property on moving day for justifiable reasons.
Just to summarise so that I make this section totally clear, we will not be held liable for any injuries which occur as a result of my clients or their associates helping with lifting anything, you do so at your own risk.
It is your responsibility to keep your valuables on your person at all times. It is easy to misplace items when moving. By keeping things on your person, it safeguards you from being in the position where you may be tempted to make false alegations against me that you will later cause me to take action against you for making false allegations which could tarnish my reutation. The business owner has an up to date DBS and commiting theft would never occur to Gareth. If the scenario plays out that your items can not be located and so you call out the police and the police arrest Gareth only to later release him once the items have been safely recovered either at your home or in the posession of a third party. In an instance such as this, we will have release papers proving my innocence and through our solicitor we will then seek retribution from you for the idignity of Gareth being arrested and for damages to his reputation as a result of your carelessness and you will also be liable to be charged £50 for every unnecessary hour that Gareth was held in custody away from my family as a result of your carelessness.
Exclusions of liability
In respect of our exclusions of liability arrangements, we will not be liable for loss of or damage to your goods as a result of being given an incorrect delivery address, fire or explosion howsoever that fire or explosion was caused, unless it ca. In respect of exclusions of liability, we will not be liable for any loss of, damage to, or failure of the following goods :- (5a) Electronically held Data Records, Mobile Telephones; TV's (5b) Plants and garden ornaments (5c) We will not be liable if an item you have earmarked to be transported, unbeknownst to us contains a liquid or a vapour which subsequently leaks and causes damage to your property, or a third parties property then we will not be liable for such damage in any way and it will be up to you the client to have your goods cleaned or replaced and also up to you the client to repair any damage the leakage has caused to a third parties property. (d) Jewellery, Watches, Precious Stones and Metals, Money, Coins, Deeds; (5e) Any animals, birds or fish. (6a) Damage caused by a pet. In respect of Standard limited Liability, other than as a result of our negligence we will not be liable for any loss of, damage to, or failure to produce the goods if caused by any of the following circumstances:- (7a) By war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, terrorism, rebellion and/or military coup, acts of god, fires, flood, tempest or other adverse weather conditions, industrial action or other such events outside our reasonable control; (7b) Loss or damage arising from chemical, biological, bio-chemical, radioactive, electromagnetic activity and or weapons and cyber Attack; (7c) Perishable items and/or those requiring a controlled environment; (7d) Indirect or consequential loss of any kind or description including loss of profits; business interruptions; loss of contracts; or loss of revenue or costs incurred howsoever arising; (7e) By normal wear and tear, natural or gradual deterioration of an older item, or a leakage or evaporation of any type of fluids from any type of container which we have removed with the clients' consent in good faith, unaware that fluids are still inside and unaware that its integral structure has been compromised. This would not qualify as negligence and we would not be liable for the detoriated item of old furniture, nor the damage that a leakage from an old container with hidden liquids or vapours within it may cause. This includes oil left in fryers and any other type of oil,fuel,or detergent (7f) By vermin, moth, insects and similar infestation, damp, mould, mildew or rust; (7g) If there were third parties involved such as contractors (7h) By change to atmospheric or climatic conditions; (7i) For any goods in wardrobes, drawers or appliances, or packages, bundles, cartons, cases or other container not both packed and unpacked by us; (7j) Loss of or damage to china, glassware and fragile items unless they have been both professionally packed. In the event of an accident involving an owner packed container where damage would have occurred irrespective of the quality of the packing, then our liability is limited to our stated maximum liability amount of £500 assuming that the high value item form has been filled in and signed. (7k) For electrical or mechanical derangement to any appliance, instrument, clock, computer or other equipment unless there is evidence of related external damage. (7l) Loss or damage to any type of motor vehicles parts caused by scratching, denting and marring unless you have earlier obtained from us a pre-collection condition report which we have both agreed to and signed. (7m) We are not in any way liable for any damage which appears to any of the second hand goods we transport as these marks could well have been existing marks which were not displayed in the sellers photos before they packed the item. If the seller where able to make a video of the item then send it to you and you forward it to me, then I would be able to accept liability for the item up to my maximum standard liability amount.(7n)Goods with pre-existing faults.(7o) For any goods mis –delivered due to an incorrect address or due to being improperly labelled if self packed. (7p) For complying with any acts, regulations, bye laws, orders or restrictions imposed by any government or authority (public or local) which require your consideration before your move can take place (7q) Theft of any goods from our van by a third party. The client is responsible for monitoring the safety of their goods whilst we are inside a property handling furniture (7r)Loss or damage caused by or arising from wear, tear, gradual deterioration, mildew, moth, vermin, or any progress of cleaning, repairing or restoring. (7s) Loss or damage to all and any of the furniture which I dismantle such as flat pack furniture made from chip board. Such are designed to be assembled one time only, overtime their joints weaken and it is possible that it is in such a weakened state from being disturbed that it will not go back up again, in such cases we will not be liable. (7t) Mechanical or Electrical derangement to items which are not being transported in their original packaging. (7u) Breakage of owner- packed goods which were poorly protected in boxes not labelled removals boxes. (7v) Loss or damage occurring in premises which were unsafe, such as slippy floors with no wet floor sign (7w) In the event of loss or damage to any article forming a pair or set, the indemnity granted here under shall be limited to the proportionate value that that article bears to the total value of the pair or set and no additional depreciation shall be paid. (7x)We exclude liability if an icy path has not be de-iced prior to our arrival. (8a) Damage caused to property or premise if it is caused whilst carrying or loading is done in full or by part by a client. (8b) Goods damaged by workmen other than ourselves at our clients' property.(8c) Damage sustained to flat pack furniture at the assembly or disassembly stage. (8d) We are not responsible for kitchen sets or other items of furniture or components that do not fit their intended purpose. Whether they fit or not, or their condition on arrival is not to your satisfaction, unless there is evidence to prove it was caused as a result of our negligence, you will still owe us the full delivery charge
Provision of service
(8e) We will do our best to provide service to you by any date we have agreed, but if due to circumstances outside of our control we are unable to ,we will not be liable for costs in any way for the costs incurred by the client. Furniture removals involves a lot of risk and danger. Having an injury free career is unrealistic for most industry workers and we would hope that our clients can appreciate that injuries and ill health can happen to anyone in any role including office based roles. If we are struck by ill health or injury or our vehicle has broken down, the best we could do for our client would be to recommend a reputable mover from a seperate company, but whether or not they have availabilty will depend on them. (8f) Job arrival times are estimates only. We do our best to be on time, but circumstances beyond our control may cause delays, such as the client before you having omitted to tell us about a large amount of items requiring to be moved on the job before yours, or a three hour delay whilst the person before you waits for their solicitor to confirm that funds have been transferred and release the keys to the property. Because the unforseen can so easily influence the course of the day of a removals team, we will not be held liable for any costs incurred by our late arrival. What we can promise is that you will be informed of the delay and we will get to you as soon as we can. In booking our service, you agree that Eze Move will not be liable for any consequential loss resulting from failure to provide service in the event of a mechanical breakdown, ill health, or personal matters such as the loss of a loved one.
(9a). Your removal quotation is valid for a period of 7 days.
(9b) Cash, bank transfer, Pay Pal, Google Checkout, and Western Union are all acceptable payment methods.
Upon completion of a job, payment in full will be required.
(9c)The client, is responsible for ensuring that we can park legally at each address. If need be you must apply for permits etc. You will be liable for any parking charges incurred by us if through your lack of foresight we are put in a position where we are forced to park illegally.
Supplementary charges
(9d) It is our clients' responsibility to make sure they have the keys to access their new property and be in possession of any security codes required to operate electric gates or deactivate security systems. If there is a wait time loner than 30mins to access a property fee added upon completion of your move. (9e) If access to a property is not as expected, for example the client has failed to give us advance warning of poor access forcing us to make exceptionally long carries to and from the van, or the lift in a building is broken and we have to use the stairs, the client will be liable for a supplementary charge to be paid upon completion. (9f) If furniture requires dismantling we would prefer to know in advance as there is a surcharge for this supplementary service. The same goes for removing handrails,doorstops or t.v brackets from off of walls. Please note we are unable to remove stairlifts, for that you would require a professional.(9g) If a client is in a chain it is a clients' responsibility to communicate with the party moving into their home and the party occupying the property they are moving into to coordinate the times all of the removals firms arrive. Failing to do so would mean as one company are moving a client out, another company will be trying to move in which is unwelcome disruption to the loading or unloading process making it more time consuming and so you are booking our services on the understanding that there will be a surcharge to be paid upon completion if you fail to communicate with the other parties in the chain to arrange to stagger the move times resulting in the aforementioned situation.
Charges if you postpone or cancel a removal or delivery
(10a) If you postpone or cancel this contract, we may charge according to how much notice is given. (10b) More than 14 days before the removal was due to start; NIL (10c) Less than 14 days, but more than 8 days before the removal was due to start; 30% of the removal charge. (10d) Less than 8 days before the removal was due to start; 50% of the removal charge. (10e) On the day before the move or on movibg day 80% of the removal charge. We consider this time frame and these charges to be reasonable due to the majority of removals work being time sensitive and because as we had every reason to believe that we were committed to you on the date that you booked. It is quite plausible that we may have forgone the opportunity to provide a service to other clients in order to uphold our commitment to you.
(10f) It is at our discretion to choose the method and route by which we travel however in practice we are always willing to please and will take one route as opposed to another if that is what our client requires of us so long as there are no height restrictions or unsuitable road undulations that cause us to put safety first. Unless it has been specifically agreed otherwise in writing, if your load is a part load, other space/volume/capacity on our vehicles and/or the container may be utilized for consignments of other clients. We consider this to be the most ecologically sound approach.
This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Court. If any of these provisions is held to be illegal or unenforceable, in whole or in part, under and enactment or rule or law, then that provision shall to the extent necessary and insofar as permitted by law and be deemed not to form part of these terms and conditions; and also be deemed to be replaced by such provision as is valid and enforceable and which is as close as permissible to the invalid or unenforceable provision. The validity and enforceability of the remainder of these Conditions shall not be effected.
Children and Pets
(10g) Eze Move want to be perfectly clear when we expect our clients to keep control of their children and pets on moving day as moving furniture can be hazardous to health. If, failure to control a child or a pet results in the damage of goods, or injury to a pet or a person on moving day, we will not be held responsible for either the injury to persons, damage to goods, or for veterinary bills. If a pet which you have failed to control attacks and injures an Eze Mover furniture mover, then we will seek legal advice. Please also note that we do not transport pets and livestock.
Carriers Lien
(11a) The carrier shall have a general lien on any consignment for its charges for the carriage or storage of that or any other consignment for the customer or for any other monies due from the customer to the carrier. If Eze Move discover that you have no intention of settling the bill for the monies owed for our services and you decide not to pay, we reserve the right to hold onto your non essential goods until such times as you agree to settle your bill. Once you fulfill your side of the arrangement and pay for our services plus a storage, fuel and labour surcharge should we have to come back at a later date once you have made good on the monies owed. Once your original bill, plus surcharges has been paid in full, we will fulfill our side of the arrangement and deliver your goods. Afterwards you will receive a lifetime ban from using our services and for placing us in the uncomfortable position of having to draw your attention to clause (11a) before proceeding to withhold your goods should you continue to decide that you want to leave us out of pocket by not paying. The things we will not withhold would be the same as those that a county court bailiff would not be legally able to remove from a property, in addition, we will not withhold family heirlooms. If payment is not made on the due date, but there is a written and signed promise to pay letter received Eze Move shall be entitled without limiting any other rights it may have, to charge interest on the outstanding amount (both before and after any judgement) at the rate of 4% above the average base rate at high street banks from the due date until the outstanding amount is paid in full.
(11b) If the monies due are not paid to the Eze Move within 14 days, Eze Move shall have the powers of sale and may sell the consignment and apply the proceeds of sale towards the monies due and any reasonable expenses of sale. If this does not cover the full cost of your move then we will pursue the remainder via a debt collection agency.
General : If any part of these conditions is invalid, illegal or unenforceable (including any provision in which Eze Move excludes its liability the validity, legality or enforceability of any other part of these conditions will not be affected. This contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English and Welsh Law.
All of the above terms and conditions apply to our house clearance terms and conditions, but there are a few extra clauses which we would like to make you aware of.
(11c)The client is responsible for advising us if there are any known circumstances which may hinder our staff during the clearance or in any other way adversely affect the timely completion of the work. (11d) Eze Move will assume full legal ownership and responsibility for all items including the disposal of waste items. This is in effect once our vehicle leaves the clearance property/site. Once the clearance process has been completed, Eze Move may be unable to return items due to disposal or sale having taken place. All invoices must be settled on the day of completion, unless prior arrangements have been made during quotation.
(11e) All services are on a bank transfer/cash on completion basis. This contract is subject to the Law and Jurisdiction of England and Wales
*An Item is defined as :- The entire contents of a wardrobe, drawer, box, parcel, package, carton, or similar container; and any other object or thing that is moved or handled.