Gareths' Man And Van Service
Firstly I'd like to say that I enjoy my job, I enjoy moving people and in order to do so I use two sizes of van. One is a long wheelbase van which is 4.5 metres in length, the other is a luton van with a tail lift which is 6.5 metres in length. Both vans come fully equipped with blankets, a truck and a tool bag.
1-3 Bedroom Property Moves
Single Items
Store Collections
Student Moving Services
Courier Services
Fully Insured
Up to date DBS
I don't knock off at 5pm, I stay till the job is done.
Unfortunately, not all van owners deserve to be trusted with your treasured personal posessions, only the trained and the experienced.
Whilst it is true that everyone has to start somewhere, without any form of training and with a lack of experience, employing a "Have A Go Hero" who leads a double life as a gardener or a builder, could turn out to be a false economy. Fabrics, including fabric sofas absorb odours like cut grass and fuel vapours very easily, leather sofas can tear, matteresses are easily soiled, wooden tables easily scratched and walls easy to mark.
Where the inexperienced tend to come unstuck, occurs as a result of failing to anticipate "sway". That is an industry term to describe the likelihood of items rubbing against eachother and moving around in the van whilst in transit. Even heavy items like washing machines move around in the back if unsecured. Properly securing all items at the loading stage is crucial, if done improperly, then there is a chance that damage could occur.
At the time of writing the content for my website (June 2023), I recently moved three, two seater leather sofas down a spiral staircase in a well known Chester wine bar. Earlier in the year, I faced the challenge of moving a 7ft long sofa out of a 15th century cottage that had low beams and narrow doorways, without damaging it in any way, or the walls, or the soft furnishings of that property. Each task carried through to completion.
One thing I am exceptionally keen on, is client confidentiality. I will never share information to ex-partners, or let anyone else know the details of where a client is moving to and no amount of persuasion would make me break that rule.
The affordable quotations I offer are fully inclusive, so you will know exactly how much your move will cost well before moving day. No hidden charges, no surprises, just good service.