Cats And Other Pets
This may at first glance seem like a unusual page to include on a removals and house clearance website, however it is not without good reason that I decided to include it. If you are not a pet owner, or if you are in a hurry, feel free to skip this page.
On more than one occasion I have arrived to carry out a removal only to hear the partner of a cat owner inform me that the owner is in bits because their cat has run away, which, must be devastating and a worse case scenario situation for any pet owner and can cast a dark cloud over the whole removal job. It seems to me that cats are more sensitive than dogs to the changes going on around them in the build up to moving day which is why I recommend that clients who are cat owners be extra vigilant during the build up to moving day.
I currently do not transport pets. I would like to offer that service but it requires an adapted vehicle and a totally different type of insurance policy to the one I have for transporting furniture.